Who is this crazy oldie?

I’m 49 years old. I used to be “Jayce_scoot”, but after and barspin accident, I decided to change my name on social media to 9K Scoot, “K” stand for knuckles because that’s what I have visible now, after accident.

This crazy bastard used to ride MTB, however on an trip to Norway, I was going for a wallride, I had too high position on the bike and it just well down, making a full stop in the dirt, and making my head diagonally strectching too much, leading to my second whiplash injury on the same side on the neck. What to do?

Then my son started to ride scooter, it looked fun, bought my own, and went for it, I’ve been riding for about 2 1/2 year now, still loving, even thou I hurt myself way too much… *laughter*